Welcome to FPL Money League! This year we have 9 different leagues for you to take part in (x6 fun leagues and x3 normal fpl leagues). Click each card to reveal the rules/rewards and if you want to join the league click ‘join league’ for futher instructions. When you have joined a league we will send you the league code. The prize money depends on the number of entries. Please stick to the rules, anyone that does break the rules will be automatically removed from the league. When the leagues have finished you can claim your winnings here.
Good luck! 

Buy in: £6 (includes £1 entry fee) 

Prize Distribution: 60% winner, 30% second, 10% Third

Rules: You select your team before the season starts and make no changes

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Buy in: £6 (includes £1 entry fee) 

Prize Distribution: Winner takes all

Rules: All players selected must be at least 30 years old

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Buy in: £6 (includes £1 entry fee) 

Prize Distribution: Winner takes all

Rules: Cannot select players from Manchester City, Manchester United, Liverpool, Chelsea, Tottenham or Arsenal

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Buy in: £6 (includes £1 entry fee) 

Prize Distribution: Winner takes all

Rules: The team with the most yellow and red cards wins!

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Buy in: £6 (includes £1 entry fee) 

Prize Distribution: Winner takes all

Rules: All your players must come from only one nation

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Buy in: £6 (includes £1 entry fee) 

Prize Distribution: Winner takes all

Rules: All players must be under 21 years of age

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Buy in: £11 (includes £1 entry fee) 

Prize Distribution: Winner takes all

Rules: Regular FPL

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Buy in: £51 (includes £1 entry fee) 

Prize Distribution: Winner 60%, Second place 40%

Rules: Regular FPL

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Buy in: £151 (includes £1 entry fee) 

Prize Distribution: Winner 50%, Second 30% Third 20%

Rules: Regular FPL

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